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丹尼和恐龙Danny and the Dinosaur

Kindergarten-Grade 3-Four complete books by Syd Hoff from HarperCollins' I Can Read series are included here. One of the dinosaurs in the museum comes to life and spends the day with a young boy and his friends in Danny and the Dinosaur (HarperCollins, 1986). In Happy Birthday, Danny and the Dinosaur! (HarperCollins, 1995), the dinosaur is back to celebrate Danny's sixth birthday. The dinosaur welcomes a vacation when Danny and the Dinosaur Go to Camp (HarperCollins, 1996), and he doesn't seem to mind when all the kids and the camp counselor ride on his back after a tiring hike. Sammy and the Seal (HarperCollins, 2000) tells the story of a seal on an adventure out of the zoo and into the town, including learning to read and write at school. Peter Lorangis and Charles Mintz alternate telling the stories using delightful voices and clear narration, perfect for young listeners. There are no page turn signals or sound effects, but whimsical musical accompaniment adds to the playfulness of the stories. The only thing missing is the charming and comical illustrations that make the stories so much fun to read. The wonderful narration and music make the audiocassette a joy to listen to, but if you don't want to miss out on the visual humor have the books handy for read-alongs.







《Danny and the Dinosaur》丹尼和恐龙,一本英文原版绘本,64页内容,很精彩,丹尼在博物馆看见了恐龙,他说要能跟恐龙玩该多好啊,我也觉得能跟你玩很好,一个声音说,这就是恐龙的声音!呵呵!故事就开始了!他们出去玩,帮助需要帮助的人们,他们去动物园玩还跟好多小朋友一起。。。大恐龙,可爱的小表情小动作,孩子们也是很可爱很有爱心。。。精彩的一天很快过去了,恐龙回博物馆了,丹尼依依不舍:Danny watched until the long tail was out of sight.他回到家看见自己房子的时候又突然释怀:we don't have room for a pet that size, anyway. But we did have a wonderful day.小逗很喜欢这本书,小姨最开始给他讲的这本书,一直念念不忘:麻麻,小姨讲的那本书里面有盔甲!麻麻,恐龙呢?这是他的大脚丫!应该每个小男孩都喜欢恐龙吧!呵呵!这本书有音频下载,麻麻们别担心发音!就算不准也没什么关系,就像普通话一样,也未必每个麻麻都有一口标准的普通话!多多享受美好的亲子阅读时间哦!强烈推荐的原版绘本!中文绘本难得有这么精彩的!别错过哦!
by 小逗妈 2012-11-29 18:21:46
by szbabyegg 2012-11-20 17:37:17